Design Engineering

Government sets up $145M automotive research fund

By Design Engineering staff   

General Automotive government funding transportation

The Canadian Government has established an automotive research fund designed to keep the Canadian auto industry competitive and sustainable, starting with $145 million over five years.

The Canadian Government has established an automotive research fund designed to keep the Canadian auto industry competitive and sustainable, starting with $145 million in funding over five years.

“Automotive Partnership Canada will enhance our automotive research capacity, fuelling made-in-Canada innovation, increasing our ability to compete internationally and bringing long-term benefits to this important sector,” said Industry Minister Tony Clement. “Our government is investing in research and development not only because it will lead to greener, better-performing vehicles, but because it will create jobs and strengthen the economy for future generations.”


The program will support R&D projects in specific areas, including alternative fuels, next-generation manufacturing, electronics and mechatronics that enhance safety or performance, advanced power trains and lighter or more sustainable materials. Proposals will be selected through rigorous, independent peer review.

“Engaging industry to this extent will ensure that innovation moves quickly from the lab to the plant to the showroom,” said Suzanne Fortier, president of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), speaking on behalf of the five funding partners. “We want international automakers to realize that Canadians aren’t just good at building vehicles; we are a great place to conduct leading-edge R&D.”


Automotive Partnership Canada involves funding from NSERC, the National Research Council Canada, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Canada Excellence Research Chairs program.

The NRC also opened its new Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing in London (Ontario) earlier this month. The centre will develop innovative solutions for the auto industry through engineering and research on lightweight materials and advanced manufacturing.



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