Design Engineering

Linear Encoder

By Design Engineering staff   

Motion Control Machine Building HEIDENHAIN linear encoder

RSF Elektronik's MSA 170 sealed linear encoder offers graduation of 20 micron in a tiny package.

15-Feb-Elektronik-encoder-625RSF Elektronik has developed the smallest full sealed linear encoder for motion feedback available in the marketplace, the company says. The MSA 170 has a scale cross section of 14mm x 10mm and contains a tiny glass scale to carry the measuring graduation. Available in North America through parent company HEIDENHAIN Corporation, the encoder features a graduation of 20 micron and a scanning carriage that operates on the principle of reflected light. The optics are protected from contamination by an aluminum extrusion and sealing lips. The glass scale is also available with one, multiple or distance-coded reference marks that are bi-directionally repeatable to one count of the final resolution. The encoder electronics are integrated in the scanning unit and are available with either 1 Volt Peak to Peak or digital TTL output signals with a resolution to 0.1 micron. The maximum measuring length is 520mm and accuracy grades of + 5 micron or +3 micron are available.


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