Design Engineering

Koss Aerospace expands Memex Automation role



Ontario-based Koss Aerospace, after a successful implementation of Memex Automation's flagship software product, MERLIN, on select machines, is expanding to a plant-wide rollout.

Memex Automation’s software product, MERLIN, enables effective machine communication across the shop floor, speeds up production processes, and can increase machine utilization by an average of 10% to 50%. Plants using MERLIN are able to improve Income From Operations (IFO) by as much as 20% – 60%.

Koss Aerospace implemented MERLIN on a few machines for an initial launch. “MERLIN makes everything straightforward,” said David Cajic, VP of Koss Aerospace, in the May edition of Shop Metalalworking Technology magazine.

“Everyone can clearly see which areas are doing well, which need improvement, and which ones are doing poorly. It all becomes very black and white.”

After the success of the initial launch on the first few machines, the Koss Aerospace team decided to expand the roll out to include all of the machines in the plant. “Even though we’re just getting rolling on this, we already have greater efficiency where the monitoring is in place. We are expecting great benefits from the new system when fully implemented in the shop,” said Cajic.


“Manufacturers are moving to data driven manufacturing and using machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity tools to improve efficiencies in their operations and gain competitive advantages, especially in the aerospace sector where quality and performance are critical metrics,” said John Rattray, Memex Automation’s VP of Sales.

“Aerospace companies are known for high efficiency and for doing extensive research. We are pleased that Koss Aerospace has joined other leading manufacturers like Magellan, Primus, COM DEV, PCC and Héroux-Devtek in recognizing MERLIN’s unique ability to bring machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity from the shop floor to the top floor, driving cost competitiveness with superior machining processes.”

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