POSITAL adds communications interfaces for IXARC magnetic encoders
General DPNPOSITAL-FRABA has introduced two new communications interfaces for its high-precision IXARC magnetic rotary encoders. The devices are now available with PROFINET and EtherCAT interfaces.
The networking technologies supported by the new communications interfaces play important roles in factory automation control systems and in process industries.
PROFINET, a development of the widely-used PROFIBUS fieldbus system, makes use of Ethernet technology and can be used in larger installations where it is useful to integrate factory floor systems with other applications (such as ERP systems) running on the larger enterprise Ethernet network.
PROFINET includes special Ethernet communications protocols to provide real-time signaling between devices. EtherCAT (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology) is a special form of industrial Ethernet that avoids the unpredictable transmission delays that characterize ‘standard’ Ethernet networks.
EtherCAT networks ensure rapid communications of interrupt signals between a controller and other devices within a control system where real-time control is essential.
POSITAL-FRABA’s precision IXARC magnetic encoders provide 12 bit accuracy and dynamic response that rivals the best optical encoders. Based on magnetic measurement technology, these rugged devices are engineered to operate reliably in wet and dirty conditions with shock loadings of up to 300g. Multi-turn models have a range of up to 65,536 revolutions, provided by a unique self-powered revolution counting system that keeps track of absolute positions under all conditions.
IXARC encoders are available with multiple options for housing size and materials, flange configuration, shaft type and diameter, connection/wiring type and level of environmental protection.